Frequently asked questions

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How long did it take to complete your first book?

Writing Coco’s Adventure took about three months. Jessi Dee dedicated time to writing in the evenings and on weekends, balancing it with other commitments.

What was your writing process?

The process began with a few blank pages stapled together. Jessi Dee wrote at the kitchen table while her parents cooked dinner. Once the pages were filled, Jessi Dee’s mom helped type up the manuscript. We then used an editor for grammar and punctuation corrections, but no changes were made to the story's structure or flow to preserve the original creativity. Illustrations were created using AI, and after finalizing the layout, we self-published the book on Amazon.

How do I become a child author?

To become a child author, all you need is a great idea and the courage to start writing! We can guide you through every step, from putting your story on paper to publishing your very own book. We can share all the information and tools we used to publish Jessi Dee's first book. We'll help you turn your imagination into a book that others can enjoy.
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